Written by Sally Hubbard. Posted in Blog
My aim is to provide each client with professional, timely and personable advice and so, it is always very rewarding to receive feedback like this from a client. Read on to see my review.
Client Review
What were the circumstances that caused you to look for a legal adviser?
I was treated appallingly by my employer and felt helpless.
How did Lucy Stones help you?
It can be quite daunting to challenge your employer but Lucy took her time to fully understand my circumstances and provided me with solid reassurance. Since from the outset I gained confidence in Lucy and I felt she is the best person I could have chosen. Throughout the process I was regularly updated and met with highly professional yet personal approach.
Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?
What could they have done better?
As hard as I can think there is absolutely nothing that she could have done better. I lately dealt with legal advisers in other fields where there was plenty room for improvements but Lucy simply stands out!
How Can I Help You?
If you have any Employment Law issue, please do not hesitate to get in touch for a free, initial telephone conversation. You can telephone us on 01522 440512 or by emailing ContactUs@lincslaw.com.
Lucy Stones
Specialist Employment Law Solicitor
Lincs Law Solicitors
Tags: Client review employment law employment solicitor good review Lincs Law lucy stones settlement agreement
Sally Hubbard
Sally is a Lincolnshire girl through and through and has lived in Lincoln her whole life (apart from a brief spell when she went to university in Nottingham, but we don’t talk about that). She began her career with Lincolnshire County Council qualifying as a solicitor in 1996, which she believes now makes her "vintage".