As a specialist Employment Law practice, based in Lincoln, whatever your work problem our fully qualified lawyers can help. Find out more about our team.

Specialist Employment Law Team

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Meet the dedicated team at Lincs Law Employment Solicitors. As a specialist practice, we don’t do anything else but help people just like you, with workplace problems just like yours. 

For assistance with your Employment Law problem, just complete a contact form, engage in a web chat, email or simply call us on 01522 440512 for a free, no obligation consultation with one of our fully qualified Employment Solicitors below.

Sally Hubbard

Sally Hubbard

Managing Director

Specialist Employment Solicitor

Sally is a Lincolnshire girl through and through and has lived in Lincoln her whole life (apart from a brief spell when she went to university in Nottingham, but we don’t talk about that). She began her career with Lincolnshire County Council qualifying as a solicitor in 1996, which she believes now makes her “vintage”.

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Whilst at Lincolnshire County Council, Sally chose employment law as her specialism and over the years she has seen many changes to employment legislation and the Employment Tribunal process. Sally left Lincolnshire County Council in 2005 to set up an Employment Law Department at a local solicitors’ firm. Although she helped many different employees and employers, she could not help her public sector leanings. This resulted in her assisting many schools and public sector employees with their workplace disputes.

In 2015 Sally decided to start her own firm and Lincs Law Employment Solicitors was born. She is passionate about helping people and works extremely hard to obtain the best resolution possible for all her clients.

In her spare time Sally enjoys cooking far too much food at dinner parties and turning what could be a pleasant evening into a feat of endurance for her guests. Regular invitees now arm themselves with elasticated waistbands and doggy bags.

Sally’s Recent Cases

Employee Client – Redundancy Settlement Agreement – Sally’s client had suffered bullying at work from his Line Manager for a number of years. He had raised Formal Grievances regarding his Line Manager’s behaviour and made Human Resources aware of his concerns. However, nothing had been done. Despite the difficult trading conditions of 2020, Sally’s client ended the year with an exceptional performance both personally and for his team. Therefore, it was a surprise when he received notification in January 2021 that the company wanted to make him redundant. Following an in-depth assessment of the situation with Sally, it was clear his Line Manager was using the Coronavirus Pandemic to opportunistically put him at risk of redundancy. Sally assisted her client by responding to the proposed redundancy. In so doing, she set out in detail why the company had no legitimate reason to put her client at risk, let alone actually terminate his employment on the grounds of redundancy. In any event, Sally’s client stated that he wanted to leave. He felt he could not continue the relationship with his employer given all that had happened. As instructed, Sally negotiated an extremely generous settlement for her client, he was delighted.

Employer Client – Disability Discrimination – Sally’s client had, unfortunately, suffered a period of ill-health which resulted in his having long term mobility difficulties. His employer suggested that as he was struggling to come into work,they would offer him an exit package to leave. This was put to Sally’s client as if the employer was doing him a “favour” and “helping him out”. Sally’s client did not want to leave his employment. He was anxious that due to his age and disabilities, if he left his current employer, he might never get a job again. Sally took a detailed background from her client and noted that far from helping him, his employer had done nothing to support him at work. Sally was instructed to contact his employers directly to reject the exit package. Sally also drafted a grievance for her client setting out how the employer had failed to support him and the reasonable adjustments he would need going forward to return him to work. Sally’s client was very happy when his grievance was upheld. Even more so when changes were made so he could return to work.

Employee Client – Disability Discrimination & Ill Health Retirement – Sally’s client had struggled with her health for some time. It was clear to her that she would not be able to return to work and she asked her employer to consider her for ill-heath retirement. There then followed a period of delay after delay. Six months in, Sally’s client was approved for ill-health retirement. Six months after that, there was no progress and Sally’s client was in dire straights having exhausted her entitlement to sick pay several months earlier. Sally dealt with the immediate financial problem by suggesting to her client that she take her holiday (which had accrued and which she was unaware she was entitled to). Sally then submitted a formal grievance regarding the way her client had been treated and started the process of claiming disability discrimination, regarding the disadvantage suffered by her client as a disabled person as a result of the delays. Shortly afterwards, the client received her full notice pay as a lump sum (further alleviating the immediate financial pressure) and her pension entitlements. Sally was also able to negotiate a settlement for her disability discrimination claims. Her client was over the moon and shocked how quickly matters were resolved when Sally became involved after all her months of waiting.

Sally’s Recent Client Reviews

“I was unfairly dismissed when I asked to be paid minimum wage. I had no contract, suffered age discrimination, had no pension and my employer had made unlawful deductions from my wages. Sally got me a settlement outside of court and I am receiving a large amount of compensation that I would not of received without her. She was utterly brilliant. Sally thank you so much for all your help and advice, you have been wonderful, so friendly but absolutely brilliant at what you do”

Employee Client – National Minimum Wage, Automatic Unfair Dismissal

“I was suffering abuse from my employer, leaving me feeling lost, alone, and frightened. Sally listened to my story and asked sensitive questions in a way which made it ok to answer. She pushed me to be open and honest and made me feel like it was ok to be the victim that I actually was. She explained the behaviour so that I could understand how bad it was, and then explained clearly how I could respond. She then gave me advice about how to move forward. The advice resulted in a satisfactory outcome. However, Sally also explained a back-up plan should the steps I took result in a negative outcome. This gave me the confidence to do what was required. Without Sally’s advice, I am fairly certain I would have handled the situation badly and potentially made it worse, or, left it to continue.”

Employee Client – Bullying and Harassment

“I had some difficulties in work regarding how my employer was treating me. I felt I was being pushed into a position where I would have to leave and felt very vulnerable. Sally listened to my situation and gave really valuable advice. She made me feel like I had taken back some control over the situation and fought my corner which made me feel better. Sally kept me up to date with the situation regularly which helped lessen my anxiety and explained all the options thoroughly so I could make an informed decision at each stage. She was approachable and supportive all the way through to a positive conclusion. The situation was a difficult one for me but she provided good advice and support and was really understanding all the way through, which helped me feel much better about things at a difficult time. Thank you for everything you did to help me feel more in control and to draw a line under a difficult situation. It made a big difference!”

Employee Client – Bullying and Harassment

More feedback can be found by viewing Sally’s verified client reviews on

Reviews and Ratings for Legal adviser Sally Hubbard, Lincoln

Sally’s Memberships

Member of the Law Society
Member of the Law Society
Member of the Law Society
Member of the Employment
Lawyers Association
Sophie Goodwill

Sophie Goodwill


Specialist Employment Solicitor

Sophie is a Director and Specialist Employment Law Solicitor here at Lincs Law Employment Solicitors. After obtaining a first class honours degree in Law and qualifying as a solicitor, Sophie spent the next 15 years working exclusively on Employment Law matters.

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Sophie is a specialist at guiding clients through internal disciplinary and grievance procedures, dispute procedures in relation to ill health retirement, and matters before professional regulators such as the Health and Care Professionals Council.

If matters proceed beyond the internal processes, Sophie can conduct ACAS Early Conciliation and she is also highly experienced in representing clients in the Employment Tribunal and Employment Appeal Tribunal. Her case load includes complex claims of Unfair Dismissal, Wrongful Dismissal, Redundancy, Breach of Contract, TUPE, Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment and Unpaid Wages.

She also advises on the terms and effects of Settlement Agreements to make sure her clients get the best possible outcome.

Sophie loves her job and thrives by helping her clients to get the very best outcome to whatever employment issues they are experiencing. On those occasions Sophie is not at work she loves spending time with her family and friends, having a go at DIY projects and teaching her two young children how to cook (badly!!!).

Sophie’s Recent Cases

Employee Client – Unfair Dismissal & Unlawful Deduction from Wages –On behalf of her client, Sophie pursued Employment Tribunal claims for Unfair Dismissal and Unlawful Deduction from Wages. The Respondent had initially been reluctant to engage in settlement discussions. However, just prior to the final hearing, Sophie was able to secure a significant financial settlement for her client and an agreed reference. Her client was delighted with the compensation achieved and provided Sophie with the following lovely feedback “Thank you very much for accepting my case, for your kindness, time and effort”.

Employee Client – Whistleblowing – Sophie’s client was being targeted for detrimental treatment having raised serious concerns relating to both fraud and health and safety matters with their employer. Sophie helped her client go through the formal grievance process. At the same time, on a without prejudice basis, she secured a significant five figure settlement, agreed reference and contribution towards legal fees. Her client was delighted with the outcome.

Employee Client – Discrimination – Sophie’s client had been subjected to malicious complaints and was being treated far less favourably than comparable employees of a different sex. Sophie helped her client with the lengthy internal disciplinary and grievance procedures, whilst at the same time issuing Employment Tribunal proceedings to protect her client’s legal position. Eventually, the matter concluded with Sophie’s client retaining their employment and receiving a five-figure settlement figure. Sophie’s client was so happy they bought her some lovely chocolates and wine!

Sophie’s Recent Client Reviews

“Sophie gave me the step-by-step guidance of what I needed to do and drafted the first letter to my employees. Sophie explored every eventuality and various options on how best I proceed. Sophie has given me clear guidance and greatly reassured me and allayed any fears I had. I genuinely don’t think there is anything else she could have done differently. I would not hesitate to recommend her to anyone”.

Employer Client – Redundancy

“Sophie helped me by fully supporting me with a calming, knowledgeable influence, confronting my issues head on. I am absolutely delighted with the outcome Sophie has achieved. I honestly can’t ask for Sophie to have done anything better…. She just made the whole process extremely stress free for me, going above and beyond offering support. For that I am forever grateful. She worked with such diligence and professionalism; I couldn’t have asked for any better”.

Employee Client – Grievances Within The Workplace

“It goes without saying that Sophie is an extremely profess“It goes without saying that Sophie is an extremely professional and experienced Employment Solicitor with excellent legal knowledge, but on top of that she listens, she’s easy to talk to and she cares about her clients. At an incredibly stressful time in my life, she treated me with kindness and gave me the strength to keep fighting when I felt I didn’t have a voice. All her advice was given with my best interests at heart, she updated me very quickly by phone and email with every development in my case and I could almost invariably speak to her on the same day if needed. I can recommend Sophie to anyone without hesitation. A word of thanks to the whole Lincs Law team too. From my first contact with Sally and my dealings with Julia during the process, my experience has been an entirely positive one”.

Employee Client – Sexual Harassment

More feedback can be found by viewing Sophie’s verified client reviews on

Reviews and Ratings for Legal adviser Sophie Goodwill, Lincoln

Sophie’s Memberships

Member of the Law Society
Member of the Law Society
Member of the Law Society
Member of the Employment
Lawyers Association
Steven Ratcliffe

Steven Ratcliffe


Employment Law Barrister

After gaining a law degree, Steven qualified as a barrister in 1984 (Gray’s Inn) and moved to Lincoln in 1985, which makes him the “new guy” around these parts.

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Steven is an experienced and effective advocate and has appeared before countless Courts, Tribunals and Inquiries. His work experience ranges from the Civil Service (Treasury Solicitors Department- TSol- and the Crown Prosecution Service) and the Magistrates’ Courts Service to a local firm of High Street solicitors, and from local government to a multinational HR services provider.

In 2011, Steven became an Accredited Mediator and is enthusiastic about helping parties in a dispute find a way to resolve their issues. He fully appreciates that sometimes Court or Employment Tribunal litigation is the only option, but if there is a better way he wants to help our clients to find it.

Steven also has substantial experience in designing and delivering training sessions on a wide range of legal, regulatory and management issues to a varied selection of audiences.

At Lincs Law Ltd, Steven deals primarily with risk & compliance matters (including recently drawing up risk assessments around Covid-19). Alongside being our COLP (Compliance Officer for Legal Practice), he is also the firm’s Complaints Officer, Data Protection Officer and Money Laundering Reporting Officer.

In his spare time Steven plays the drums and listens to all kinds of music, particularly classical music and Prog Rock. When faced with a “willing” victim, he will spend many a happy hour discussing the respective merits of Yes, Genesis, ELP and King Crimson. He loves anything to do with cars and if he ever disappears, we know we’ll be able to find him drooling over the latest Jaguar.

Kathryn Bolton

Kathryn Bolton


Specialist Employment Solicitor

Kathryn joined the team as a Specialist Employment Solicitor in September 2018. Kathryn hails from Nottinghamshire but qualified as a Solicitor in Lincolnshire in 2007 and has practised in Lincolnshire ever since. She has a mixed litigation and employment law background and advises both employers and employees.

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Kathryn is committed to understanding clients’ needs and helping them achieve the best outcome possible. Kathryn advises on a wide range of issues including unfair dismissal, redundancy, and discrimination as well as internal grievance and disciplinary matters and breaches of contract.

In her spare time, Kathryn enjoys spending time with her family and friends and she continues to search for her ‘inner calm’ through practising yoga.

Kathryn’s Recent Cases

Employee Client – Redundancy – Kathryn’s client was dismissed by reason of redundancy and felt strongly that the dismissal was unfair. Kathryn advised the client that they had potential claims for unfair dismissal and age discrimination. Kathryn drafted the client’s appeal against dismissal setting out the employer’s failures in the relation to the redundancy process and why she considered the client to have strong Employment Tribunal claims. At the same time as the appeal was submitted, Kathryn contacted the employer with a financial proposal to settle her client’s Employment Tribunal claims. Kathryn negotiated a settlement for her client which equated to the equivalent of 8 months’ pay (which was in addition to the client’s statutory redundancy payment, holiday pay and payment in lieu of notice), plus an agreed reference.

Employee Client – Unpaid Wages – Kathryn’s client had training fees deducted from their final salary payment. Kathryn advised her client about a claim for unlawful deduction from wages and a claim was subsequently made to the Employment Tribunal. The employer then issued a claim in the County Court to recover the remainder of the training fees. Kathryn prepared her client’s defence to that claim, and both sets of proceedings were then settled to her client’s satisfaction.

Employee Client – Harassment – Kathryn’s client faced harassment at work. The client complained to their employer over many months, including raising a Formal Grievance. Instead of resolving the issue, the harassment continued, and Kathryn’s client felt unsupported by their employer. The client’s employment contract was then terminated. Kathryn advised the client about their potential employment claims and options. Kathryn submitted claims to the Employment Tribunal on behalf of her client for harassment, victimisation and unfair dismissal. Kathryn represented the client throughout and concluded the Employment Tribunal proceedings before the Final Hearing by negotiating a financial settlement. Not only did this provide the client with compensation but it saved further legal costs, negated the stress and anxiety associated with the claim and allowed the client to move on with their life which they were keen to do.

Kathryn’s Recent Client Reviews

“I would like to say a big thank you to Lincs Law and Kathryn Bolton for exceptional service in my redundancy settlement. I was surprised how well she has dealt with my case and all along I had a feeling that I was dealing with my best friend, that warmth and professionalism is a rare quality and something a client needs at such difficult time. Thank you very much for everything and at every opportunity I will recommend Kathryn and your company to anyone that needs it. I rate the service with 5 stars.”

Employee Client – Settlement Agreement

“I would like to say thank you for all the help, your advice and expertise has been brilliant”.

Employee Client – Unfair Dismissal

“Kathryn was there for support and guidance whenever needed. Kathryn did everything that was asked”.

Employee Client – Unlawful Deductions from Wages

More feedback can be found by viewing Kathryn’s verified client reviews on

Reviews and Ratings for Legal adviser Kathryn Bolton, Lincoln

Kathryn’s Memberships

Member of the Law Society
Member of the Law Society
Member of the Law Society
Member of the Employment
Lawyers Association
Lucy Stones

Lucy Stones


Specialist Employment Solicitor

Lucy joined Lincs Law in September 2019 as an Associate Employment Solicitor. Lucy began advising on Employment Law matters in 2009 and she qualified as a Solicitor in March 2013.

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Prior to joining Lincs Law, Lucy worked for a Regional Law firm in Lincolnshire and a National Law firm in Nottinghamshire. Lucy advises on all areas of Employment Law and advises both employers and employees.

Lucy understands the stress which can come from defending or pursuing an Employment Tribunal Claim. She therefore takes her time to build a relationship with her client, discuss their options and fully understand their objectives. She prides herself on providing clear and strategic advice.

Lucy advises on internal employment disputes such as grievances and redundancies. She also regularly represents claims in the Employment Tribunal for claims such as Unfair Dismissal, Constructive Unfair Dismissal, Discrimination, TUPE as well as advice on Settlement Agreements.

Lucy is a keen walker and enjoys socialising with friends and family.

Lucy’s Recent Cases

Employee Client – Redundancy – On behalf of her client, Lucy prepared an Appeal against Redundancy and put forward representations that her client’s selection for redundancy was based on their disabled status. Following the Redundancy Appeal, Lucy pursued claims in the Employment Tribunal for Unfair Dismissal and Disability Discrimination. Shortly after issuing the claim, Lucy negotiated a settlement on behalf of her client. The settlement package amounted to over 12 months’ gross salary and a good reference. Her client was delighted.

Employer Client – Disability Discrimination – Lucy acted on behalf of the employer, who had made an appointment with her after receiving a notice of claim from the Employment Tribunal. The claim had been issued by an ex-employee and they had claimed Automatic Unfair Dismissal and Disability Discrimination. Lucy learnt the Claimant had been dismissed for a serious offence, representing gross misconduct. It was clear, on the dismissal paperwork, that the Claimant’s disability played no part in the decision to dismiss. The difficulty, however, was that the employer was tied into Employment Tribunal proceedings, which they would need to defend. It was agreed the most cost-effective course of action would be to offer a commercial settlement to the Claimant to limit their legal fees in defending the claim. Through ACAS, Lucy pointed out the defects in the Claimant’s claim and achieved a settlement in the sum of £500.00. The claim came to a swift resolution which Lucy’s clients were very happy with.

Employee Client – Redundancy Settlement Agreement – Lucy’s client had been told her position was redundant but, to avoid a redundancy consultation, the employer had elected to offer Lucy’s client her statutory redundancy payments and an ex-gratia payment equivalent to one months’ salary. Lucy had concerns with the employer’s proposal as her client explained she was not the only employee who carried out her role. Indeed, there were four other employees. Lucy explained, by going through the redundancy consultation, there was presently no reason to suggest she would be selected for redundancy, nor that the redundancy would be fair. Lucy’s client agreed but expressed a desire to leave her employment. Lucy was therefore instructed to try and negotiate an increase in the employer’s settlement offer. Lucy successfully achieved the equivalent to seven months’ gross salary together with her client’s statutory redundancy payments.

Lucy’s Recent Client Reviews

“Lucy was excellent, explained clearly my options and legal rights and the best course going forward. I also felt that Lucy was on my side when you can feel very isolated in these times and circumstances.”

Employee Client – Redundancy (Disputed Redundancy Situation)

“I just wanted to say thank you for all your help. It was nice after the months I’ve had to feel like someone was on my side. Thank you so much.”

Employee Client – Constructive Unfair Dismissal claim

“She took time to take the whole background to the circumstances from me and then discussed with me my options. She gave me really comprehensive options moving forward and it was very clear.”

Employee Client – Settlement Agreement

More feedback can be found by viewing Lucy’s verified client reviews on

Reviews and Ratings for Legal adviser Lucy Stones, Lincoln

Lucy’s Memberships

Member of the Law Society
Member of the Law Society
Member of the Law Society
Member of the Employment
Lawyers Association
Jasmine Stewart

Jasmine Stewart


Specialist Employment Solicitor

Jasmine joined Lincs Law as an Employment Solicitor in August 2020. Jasmine is originally a Yorkshire Lass but moved to Lincolnshire after University in 2013. Jasmine qualified as a solicitor in 2019. Since qualification she worked for a Regional Law firm in Lincolnshire before joining Lincs Law.

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Jasmine prides herself on providing clients with clear, helpful, and friendly advice. She understands that employment law matters can be extremely stressful for employees and as such is committed to ensuring her clients understand all the options that are available to them and guiding them through the process with compassion and professionalism.

Jasmine assists employees on redundancy matters; unfair dismissal; unlawful deduction from wages claims; and internal Grievances. Jasmine also regularly advises on Settlement Agreements and prides herself on obtaining the best result for her clients.

When Jasmine is not at Lincs Law, she enjoys cooking, trying to bake and loves having friends and family round for dinner.

Jasmine’s Recent Cases

Employee Client – Appeal against Dismissal – Jasmine assisted a client who was going through a disciplinary procedure and was, unfortunately, dismissed on grounds of gross misconduct. Jasmine prepared the client’s appeal statement and assisted the client throughout the appeal process. She was able to achieve reinstatement for her client, with the client’s continuous service remaining intact and reimbursement of lost pay.

Employee Client – Settlement Agreement – Jasmine met with a client who was offered a Settlement Agreement as part of a redundancy procedure. After a further assessment, Jasmine highlighted flaws in the redundancy process as well as discrimination issues. She set out these concerns to her client’s employer and was able to increase the client’s settlement figure to almost three times what was originally offered.

Employee Client – Unlawful Deduction from Wages – Jasmine assisted a client who had an unlawful deduction from wages claim against their former employer. The claim was in respect of a deduction of wages and a failure to pay accrued holiday entitlement. Jasmine assisted the client throughout the ACAS Early Conciliation process and was able to achieve a settlement whereby the client was paid all sums due to them.

Jasmine’s Recent Client Reviews

“Jasmine did a fantastic job, quick and to the point. She didn’t waste my time nor my money. If life brings me more challenges, she will be the one I will contact first. I was very happy to have Jasmine as my legal adviser on this matter. Thank you!”.

Employee Client – Unlawful Deduction from Wages

“Thank you for your time and patience and achieving the outcome”.

Employee Client – Unfair Dismissal

“If you’re looking for a highly motivated professional with a proven track record in employment law; a person that is pragmatic, possesses a unique talent in terms of how they converse with, work in support of their client and approach the challenge at hand. If, indeed, you’re looking to appoint/instruct an individual that has Integrity in abundance, is super-efficient (trust me Jasmine genuinely does know her stuff) is friendly, personable, definitely a great listener – in short, the consummate professional, then I would have no hesitation whatsoever in highly recommending Jasmine”.

Employee Client – Settlement Agreement

More feedback can be found by viewing Jasmine’s verified client reviews on

Reviews and Ratings for Legal adviser Jasmine Stewart, Lincoln

Jasmine’s Memberships

Member of the Law Society
Member of the Law Society
Member of the Law Society
Member of the Employment
Lawyers Association
Kate Key

Kate Key


Specialist Employment Solicitor

Kate is an Employment Solicitor at Lincs Law Employment Solicitors. Over the years, she has worked with us whilst studying towards her law degree and Legal Practice Course in Sheffield. Kate achieved a first-class honours law degree (LLB) from the University of Sheffield and a Distinction in her Legal Practice Course and Masters (LLM) from the University of Law.

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Kate also completed her Training Contract and qualified as a Specialist Employment Solicitor with us here at Lincs Law Employment Solicitors.

Kate is passionate about helping people and recognises that her clients are often going through a very difficult period of their lives. She therefore prides herself on spending time understanding her clients’ needs, providing clear and friendly advice, and helping them achieve the best possible outcome to their employment matter.

Kate assists clients with various employment matters, including internal employment disputes; redundancy matters; disciplinary proceedings; unfair dismissal; wrongful dismissal; unlawful deduction from wages and discrimination claims. Kate also advises employees in relation to Settlement Agreements.

When Kate is not at work, she enjoys socialising with friends and family and challenging herself in the gym.

Kate’s Recent Cases

Employee Client – Disciplinary Proceedings – Unfair Dismissal & Sex Discrimination Claim – Kate’s client had worked for his employer for many years and had, in fact, devoted his whole career to their business. However, after a minor disagreement with his Line Manager, he was dismissed from his employment. Kate reviewed her client’s case in detail and was able to advise he had excellent claims in the Employment Tribunal for both Unfair Dismissal and Sex Discrimination. Kate was then delighted to assist her client by drafting and submitting his claims to the Employment Tribunal and representing him throughout the process. Initially, his employer had been reluctant to engage in settlement discussions. However, once Kate started to represent her client in the Employment Tribunal, their attitude changed, and she was able to secure a significant financial settlement for her client and an agreed reference for his future employers.

Employee Client – Settlement Agreement – After years of hard work, long hours, and dedication to the business, Kate’s client had been made redundant and received a Settlement Agreement from his employer. Kate had a Settlement Agreement appointment with her client. During this appointment, they spent time together discussing the circumstances of his situation. Kate was then able to advise him in respect of the terms of his Settlement Agreement and draw his attention to the potential Employment Tribunal claims he would be settling (if he chose to sign the Settlement Agreement). Kate and her client then discussed his options fully, so he could make an informed decision as to how he wanted to proceed. Kate’s client decided to sign his Settlement Agreement. As such, Kate then assisted in providing the necessary documentation to his employer.

Employee Client – Pregnancy and Maternity Discrimination / Victimisation Claims – Kate’s client had worked hard for her employer for many years. However, after announcing she was pregnant and subsequently going on maternity leave, everything changed. Kate’s client began to experience less favourable treatment from her employer. When she raised a Formal Grievance about her concerns, the treatment towards her worsened. On behalf of her client, Kate was able to assist by drafting correspondence to her client’s employer. Kate also drafted and submitted her client’s discrimination claims to the Employment Tribunal and represented her throughout the proceedings. Initially, the employer was unwilling to enter without prejudice discussions. However, after some negotiation, Kate was delighted to agree a very significant financial settlement on behalf of her client. Kate was so happy when her client bought her a lovely card and flowers!

Kate’s Recent Client Reviews

“Kate is an excellent solicitor who provided me with exceptional assistance during a challenging time when I needed help with my settlement agreement following redundancy. Kate’s thoroughness, friendliness, and dedication to providing a first-class service were truly impressive. She navigated the process with expertise, ensuring that my rights were protected and that I fully understood the terms involved. Thanks to Kate’s guidance, I felt supported and confident throughout the entire process. I am grateful for her professionalism and would highly recommend her services to anyone in need of legal assistance.”

Employee Client – Settlement Agreement

“My first experience at Lincs Law was extremely positive. The solicitor I initially spoke to was attentive, knowledgeable and extremely helpful with my employment concerns. She then went on to refer me to Kate, she straight away put my mind and ease. Kate was reassuring, honest and realistic with the outcome of the case. Kate remained professional throughout, she was always a phone call away to provide me with answers and reassurance. Kate was a pleasure to deal with and full of positivity and guidance. Kate was very patient and determined to help me settle my case as quickly as possible. Which she achieved and I am so very grateful for all of her help. Thank you Kate.”

Employee Client – Discrimination Claims

“…. many thanks for your help…. I am very pleased with [your] hard work and gaining a positive result for me and my family…you did a great job for us…”

Employee Client – Redundancy Appeal & Unfair Dismissal Claim

Kate’s Memberships

Member of the Law Society
Member of the Law Society
Member of the Law Society
Member of the Employment
Lawyers Association
Julia Steen

Julia Steen

Legal Secretary

Head of Administration

Julia Steen is our Head of Administration here at Lincs Law. After finishing her degree in Interior Design with Staffordshire University, she had a change in career path and began her journey in Law in 2015.

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Over the years, Julia has assisted with many cases ranging from a client’s first Grievance, all the way through to Employment Appeal Tribunals. She understands that clients like to feel listened to and strives to ensure that our clients feel thoroughly looked after. Julia will make sure that clients and solicitors are kept up to date with any progress on their files, and that the excellent service provided is one that a client can expect from Lincs Law.

When Julia is not at work, she enjoys family time with her two children and challenging our Helen Moss in the gym, who apparently cannot be beaten at deadlifts!

Client Feedback for Julia

“Thank you for taking your time to listen to me, I appreciate it.”

Fixed Fee Consultation Client

“Keep smiling, it is nice to speak to someone so cheerful.”

Settlement Agreement Client
Helen Moss

Helen Moss

Legal Secretary

Employment Law Specialist

Helen Moss is a Legal Secretary here at Lincs Law Employment Solicitors. Helen has over 14 years’ experience working in administrative/secretarial roles in a variety of areas of law prior to joining us in December 2019.

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In a former role, Helen has experience sitting behind Counsel at Court Hearings and preparing Court bundles. Helen is able to apply the skills learnt during this time to her current role here at Lincs Law, enabling her to perform tasks with care and work to required deadlines.

Helen’s many years of experience means she can provide an organised and efficient service to clients, ensuring documentation is drafted in an accurate and timely manner so clients are kept up to date and matters are progressed at a pace avoiding unnecessary delay. Helen believes that every client matters and deserves the same excellent service. She believes the client comes first and puts 100% effort into her role to provide assistance to the solicitors she works for to ensure they can, in turn, provide the best service possible.

When she is not at work, Helen likes to keep fit and spends time in her local gym. Helen also likes to ensure she makes time for socialising with family and friends.

Client Feedback for Helen

“Thank you to yourself and Kathryn for dealing with the case and offering me advice.”

Fixed Fee Consultation Client

“You guys were brilliant from start to finish, right from the first lady I spoke to on the phone.”

Settlement Agreement Client
Terrie Massingham

Terrie Massingham

Legal Secretary

Employment Law Specialist

Terrie is a Legal Secretary here at Lincs Law Employment Solicitors. Terrie has over 19 years’ experience working in legal administrative and secretarial roles prior to her joining us in August 2023.

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With Terrie’s years of experience, she can provide an efficient service to clients and ensures all documentation is drafted in an accurate and timely manner. Terrie believes the client comes first and puts 100% effort into her role to provide assistance to the Employment Solicitors she works for. She is a vital part of a team which goes above and beyond to provide the best service possible to clients.

When Terrie is not at work, she enjoys spending time with her son and socialising with friends and family.

Henry Hubbard

Henry Hubbard

Administration Assistant

Henry is an Administration Assistant here at Lincs Law Employment Solicitors. He works mostly on Saturdays and school holidays to provide administrative support to other members of the team.

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Henry enjoys welcoming clients to the offices and is always on hand to provide teas and coffees. He understands that every client deserves excellent care and service. He, therefore, does all he can to make sure their visit to the office is as comfortable as possible.

Outside of work, Henry enjoys socialising with friends and family. He is committed to health and fitness, regularly attending the gym and his Mixed Martial Arts training.

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Compensation Obtained For Our Clients

£40,371,435 and counting

(Plus reinstatements, disciplinary charges dropped, upheld grievances, performance management procedures withdrawn etc.)