My kind and generous client has made my Friday. I continue to be humbled by my wonderful clients who take the time to thank me for my help. If you are experiencing problems at work I want to help you too. Read on for details of the assistance I can provide.
Dealing with redundancies, disciplinary and grievance issues, unfair and constructive dismissal, discrimination in the workplace, along with being ask to leave your employment via a Settlement Agreements can be daunting. Yet despite the difficulties my clients face, I am completely blown away by their kindness. Today, one of my clients who I helped with a tricky Employment Tribunal claim was kind enough to bring me flowers, lots of delicious chocolates and thank you card. I genuinely cannot thank them enough.
Do You Need Help?
If you are facing problems at work I can help. If you have been invited to a disciplinary, capability or redundancy hearing I can help you prepare. If you are worried you are being singled out for discrimination or unfair treatment after blowing the whistle, I can help you raise your concerns. If you are already been dismissed, I can help you appeal or lodge a claim in the Employment Tribunal. Call on 01522 440512 for a free initial chat. Alternatively you can email, or visit our website for more information about the services I provide.
Sophie Goodwill
Director, Specialist Employment Law Solicitor
TEL: 01522 440512 / EMAIL:
Tags: constructive unfair dismissal Employment Advice Lincoln Employment Tribunal Claims Great Feedback Settlement Agreement Advice