Gender Reassignment Discrimination: Client Success
I was delighted to help my client who had been subjected to gender reassignment discrimination at work. Read on for more information about my client’s story.
I was delighted to help my client who had been subjected to gender reassignment discrimination at work. Read on for more information about my client’s story.
I receive many enquiries from employees who are experiencing workplace problems and who are offered a Settlement Agreement as a way to resolve those problems and end the employment relationship. As an employee it can be difficult to know whether accepting a settlement is in your best interests and to know whether any financial offer is reasonable. I recently helped a client who was in just this situation. Read on for more information about my client’s story.
I was delighted to help my client who had been subjected to victimisation and disability discrimination at work. Read on for more information about my client’s story.
Many people experience menopause symptoms whilst they are at work. Symptoms may impact upon an employee’s performance and workplace attitudes may negatively affect how and employee is treated. There are currently no menopause-specific employment laws. However, some existing laws, such as those relating to discrimination, may provide some protection to menopausal employees in some circumstances. In this blog I consider some of the employment law issues arising out of the menopause.
If you have a successful claim for discrimination in the employment tribunal you may be entitled to compensation for injury to feelings. Read on for more information about what injury to feelings means and what may be awarded.
I was delighted to represent my client in their disability discrimination claim. Read on for more information about my client’s story.
If you are facing disciplinary action you may look to resign before you are subject to any disciplinary sanction such as a written warning or, worse, dismissal. However, your employer can try to continue with disciplinary proceedings, even after you have resigned and your employment has ended.
If your employment transfers under TUPE – the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 – your existing terms of employment will also transfer to the new employer. It is possible for the new employer to make changes to your terms and conditions of employment. However, changes can only be made in limited circumstances.
It can be upsetting and frustrating, having been offered a new job, to have that job offer withdrawn. In this blog I explore the bases on which an employer might withdraw a job offer and whether employees have any recourse when that happens.