At LincsLaw Solicitors, our lawyers are specialists in dealing with Employment Law and workplace problems. We can advise you about your situation.

Dealing with Employee Grievances

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Employee grievances come in all shapes, sizes and forms. Some are easy to resolve but others such as discrimination, bullying and harassment, pay issues etc. could be the employee’s first step towards an Employment Tribunal Claim. If you have received a grievance from your employee, you need specialist advice and assistance to assess any risk to your business. At Lincoln based LincsLaw Solicitors our lawyers are Employment Law specialists and can advise you every step of the way.

The Grievance Procedure

Any issue, concern or dispute an employee has in the context of their employment is capable of becoming a grievance. Employers often have a written procedure which ensures employees are aware how raise their concerns and how the employer will deal with those concerns once raised.

Employers should also consider the ACAS Code of Practice – Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures. The Code is considered to be the minimum standard for employers and sets out basic principles for consideration of an employee grievance. Should the employee’s matter reach the Employment Tribunal and the employer is found to have breached the code; the Employment Tribunal may increase any award that is made to the employee by up to 25%.

The ACAS Code of Practice – Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures recommends that employers introduce a written, specific grievance procedure which is easily accessible to all employees.

Lincoln based LincsLaw Solicitors can help guide you through the grievance process and assist with practical application of the ACAS Code of Practice – Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures.

How can we help?

We understand that receiving a grievance from an employee can be daunting and time consuming. At Lincoln based LincsLaw Solicitors our lawyers are Employment Law specialists and can advise you every step of the way. Contact us for a free, no obligation discussion regarding your employment issue.

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£40,371,435 and counting

(Plus reinstatements, disciplinary charges dropped, upheld grievances, performance management procedures withdrawn etc.)