
Pay Issues

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We all depend on our salary and when a problem occurs it affects our home and our family. Hourly pay, holiday pay, sickness pay, maternity pay, bonus pay – money is money and if you are not being paid what you are owed, you need clear advice and assistance to recover your money from your employer.

Right to pay

All employees are entitled to be paid for the work they have done. You are also entitled to minimum rates of hourly pay and holiday pay. Disputes about pay can be considered before the Employment Tribunal and range from an employer completely failing to pay monies owed, to a dispute over the amount which has been paid.

If your employer has failed to pay you money are owed, you should take specialist legal advice. In addition, you may consider taking the following action:-

  • submitting a written complaint and/or formal grievance to your employer. You may find our free downloadable guide helpful.
  • refer your employer to your Contract of Employment or, alternatively, any previous agreement or arrangement you have as to pay.
  • set out what amounts you believe you are owed and how you have calculated those amounts. Give as much information as possible, for example dates and times when you worked, what rate you expected to be paid etc.
  • provide copies of all and any evidence you have to substantiate your calculations including payslips, extracts from bank statements etc.

Contact Us

If you have a pay dispute with your employer you need specialist legal advice. For a free, no obligation discussion, contact the experienced Employment Lawyers at Lincoln based LincsLaw Solicitors.

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