Defending Disciplinary Allegations

Defending Disciplinary Allegations?

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Disciplinary Procedure: Make Sure You Are Prepared.

Being invited a disciplinary meeting at work is stressful. Employees are often at their most anxious at exactly the time when they need to be thinking clearly. If you have been invited to a disciplinary meeting, read on for help and guidance.  

We always hope the information on our website is helpful, but we are aware that the best assistance is to discuss your problem with a fully qualified employment solicitor.  If you would like a free consultation with one of the team at Lincs Law Employment Solicitors, please use the contact form, engage in a web chat, email or call us on 01522 440512 and we’ll be happy to help

Disciplinary Overview

Employees worried about losing their jobs because they are accused of misconduct or gross misconduct often find the whole disciplinary process very difficult. There is additional stress in that what you do and say as part of the disciplinary process to defend yourself (including the disciplinary investigation meeting) has ramifications for your employment and for any Employment Tribunal claim you may have in the future.

After a combined 80 years’ advising clients in disciplinary situations, we know that the first meetings in the disciplinary investigation process are crucial. For most clients, the claim they will bring if they are dismissed is a claim for unfair dismissal at the Employment Tribunal. However, what clients often don’t appreciate is that in considering these types of claims, the Employment Tribunal are not really concerned about whether the employee did or did not commit the acts of misconduct. At the hearing, their focus is actually on what information the employer had when they decided to dismiss. This seems like semantics, but it is incredibly important. So many clients start the process of finding evidence to prove their innocence or support their defence after they have been dismissed. Whilst such evidence is always helpful, the time to gather and produce this information is during the disciplinary process.

Obviously, everyone’s circumstances will be different. We would always advise someone who is subject to disciplinary action to seek legal advice as soon as possible. Obviously, we would hope they would contact us at Lincs Law Employment Solicitors (after all, the initial enquiry is free, just call 01522 440512). However, if you are defending yourself, there are some common rules you should follow and questions you should be asking if you are subject to a disciplinary meeting for misconduct or gross misconduct allegations:

What Is The Disciplinary Procedure?

If your employer has their own policy for disciplinary matters, make sure they follow it! In addition, they should abide by the ACAS Code of Practice on Discipline and Grievance which can be found on the ACAS website.

What Are The Disciplinary Allegations?

Make sure you understand what you are supposed to have done and when you are supposed to have done it. Also, make sure your employer has explained why they believe these are matters of misconduct, ideally referring you to some relevant policy or written instruction.

Do You Know How Serious The Allegations Are?

Ask your employer whether you are at risk of dismissal – you need to know what is at stake before you attend any disciplinary meeting. If your employer considers the allegations against you to be gross misconduct, then you are at risk of summary (immediate) dismissal.

Have You Prepared Your Case As Well As You Can?

Make sure you prepare a written statement for the disciplinary meeting. It is always better to gather your thoughts and be able to take your time drafting your statement at home, rather than try and remember everything you want to say under pressure at the disciplinary meeting. Gather as much evidence and information as you can in support of your version of events. If you don’t have access to the documents you need, ask your employer for them. Also, if you can, get character references and add these to your evidence.

Further information about how to prepare your disciplinary statement is available on our website at

Can You Attend The Disciplinary Meeting?

It is always better to attend and take a colleague or Trade Union Advisor with you. You should also ask to record the meeting to avoid any dispute at a later date about what was said. Make sure you submit your written statement and your evidence to the meeting (and that your employer records your doing so).

Do You Know The Outcome?

This is an odd question, but sometimes client’s report that they attend a disciplinary hearing and then………nothing. They assume the situation is resolved only to find at later date that they have been given a disciplinary sanction (for example a warning) but were never told. Even if there has been a dismissal, clients report that they are not always told by their employer what allegations have been proven or what matters have been taken into account when the decision was made to dismiss.

Make sure your employer gives you full information about their decision and you know exactly what the outcome of your disciplinary is.

Can You Appeal?

If you disagree with the outcome of your disciplinary you should appeal. If you don’t appeal, any decision will be part of your personnel record and these decisions cannot be challenged months later. In addition, if you are dismissed and your claim is determined by an Employment Tribunal, they will expect you to have exhausted all internal appeals and can reduce any compensation if you have failed to do so.

Do You Need Help?

Lincs Law Employment Solicitors have helped hundreds of clients defend workplace disciplinary action and pursue their claims at the Employment Tribunal. If we can help you, please use the contact form, engage in a web chat, email or call us on 01522 440512 for a free consultation with a fully qualified employment solicitor.

Compensation Obtained For Our Clients

£41,881,682 and counting

(Plus reinstatements, disciplinary charges dropped, upheld grievances, performance management procedures withdrawn etc.)