If you believe you are suffering age discrimination or harassment at work, please contact us for a free, no obligation, telephone consultation.

Age Discrimination Solicitors

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Age Discrimination At Work

We frequently receive enquiries from employees who have been subjected to age discrimination at work. We always hope the information on our website is helpful, but we are aware that the best assistance is to discuss your problem with a fully qualified age discrimination solicitor.  If you would like a free consultation with one of the team at Lincs Law Employment Solicitors, please use the contact form, engage in a web chat, email contactus@lincslaw.com or call us on 01522 440512 and we’ll be happy to help

Who Is Protected From Age Discrimination?

In the employment sphere employees, workers, job applicants, trainees, Company Directors etc are protected from age discrimination or harassment by their employer. All aspects of the relationship are covered. For example, an employee who is discriminated against in the recruitment process would be able to bring a claim against their prospective employer even if they never worked a day for that business.

How Do You Know If You Have Suffered Age Discrimination?

The Equality Act 2010 sets out various ways in which an employer’s treatment of a person because of their age (or perceptions about their age) is unlawful. Briefly, it is likely you have suffered age discrimination or harassment if any of the following have occurred:

  • Direct Age Discrimination

    This is where you have been treated less favourably because of your age than someone of a different age would have been treated.

  • Indirect Age Discrimination

    This is where the employer has a policy, procedure or similar which appears to apply to everyone but has a detrimental impact upon people with of a particular age.

  • Harassment Due To Age

    This is where a person suffers unwanted conduct which causes a distressing, humiliating or offensive environment for them. For example, jokes and derogatory comments by colleagues related to age.

  • Victimisation

    This is where an employee raises a complaint themselves or supports another doing so and suffers a “detriment” as a consequence. A detriment could be a reduction in hours, a refusal to give a pay rise, a lost promotion opportunity, indeed anything which has a negative impact on that person’s work or employment.

Suffering Age Discrimination Or Harassment? What Action Should You Take?

The Employment Tribunal will expect you to raise your concerns with your employer. This will usually be done through your employer’s grievance procedure. Please see the information available on this website about how to raise a grievance https://lincslaw.co.uk/blog/need-to-send-a-grievance-or-complaint-to-your-employer/. Any evidence you can gather to assist in your grievance will be extremely helpful. If the matter can be resolved at that stage, then all to the good.

If your employer continues to discriminate against you because of your age or the harassment has not been properly dealt with, you may have to consider submitting a claim to the Employment Tribunal. In order to do so, you will first need to begin a process called ACAS Early Conciliation. This is a compulsory procedure where an ACAS conciliator acts as a go between to try and resolve the dispute.

What Are The Time Limits For Age Discrimination Claims?

You will need to begin the ACAS Early Conciliation process within three months less one day from the last act of discrimination. The time limit for submitting your Employment Tribunal claim will depend upon the dates of your ACAS Early Conciliation. However, it is important that you begin the ACAS Early Conciliation process within the three-month deadline as to fail to do so may render your claim out of time.

For more information about ACAS Early Conciliation, please visit our website at https://lincslaw.co.uk/blog/acas-early-conciliation-what-is-it-all-about/

Let Lincs Law Employment Solicitors Help You

If you are suffering age discrimination or harassment at work, please contact us for a no obligation, free telephone consultation with a qualified age discrimination solicitor.  Simply use the contact form, engage in a web chat, email contactus@lincslaw.com or call us on 01522 440512 and we’ll be happy to help


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