Assessment completed by: STEVEN RATCLIFFE Job title/role: DIRECTOR/COLP

Date last updated: 16th July 2021

Date of next scheduled review: 31st August 2021

Risk title

Description & consequence


Action by who and by when?

1. Spread of COVID-19 in the firm

This will result in multiple individuals in the firm becoming infected and possibly seriously or fatally ill

Vulnerable workers could be worst affected

Review onsite and offsite work arrangements including working from home. Setting rotas and ensuring staff only return to the office when necessary or appropriate and in line with law & government guidance (including adherence to local Covid-19 alert levels/tiers and national Covid-19 lockdowns).

Staff may choose to wear face coverings/masks when in Greetwell Place (including in individual offices if social distancing from colleagues not possible).

Screens around and between desks in place and reduction in number of staff working opposite each other in order to encourage physical distancing.

No one feeling ill with coronavirus symptoms will be allowed to come to work.

Communication and awareness-raising posters referring to the above measures.

Enhanced cleaning regime, including desks and frequent touchpoints such as door handles, light switches, IT equipment etc using appropriate cleaning products and methods.

Hand washing awareness: see the NHS guidance

Ensure sanitation products (hand sanitiser, cleaning wipes) widely available.

Reminding everyone of the public health advice through posters, leaflets and other materials made widely and prominently available: see the government guidance

Measures to prevent people from placing personal item as (such as coats/bags) in places where they may contribute to transmission.

MD – asap





ALL – asap



ALL – asap



MD – asap

ALL – asap



ALL – asap


ALL – asap

COLP – asap




ALL – asap

2. Spread of COVID-19 to clients or visitors

This will result in multiple individuals (partners, staff, visitors/clients and contractors) becoming infected and possibly seriously or fatally ill

Face-to-face appointments with clients (or other visitors) to be permitted but not encouraged. Telephone and video conference calls to be used where possible.

Upper limit on meeting numbers determined by available room size.

Meetings staggered so no congestion possible.

Seats and screens placed in meeting rooms to ensure physical distancing.

Enhanced cleaning regime for meetings.

Clients asked to consent to personal details being passed to NHS Test & Trace Service.

Sanitation products (hand sanitiser, cleaning wipes) available inside each meeting room.

Notice to Visitors sent out with appointment email/letter stating:

-No catering/refreshments offered inside meeting rooms (apart from water)

-Stay away if feeling unwell

-Visits limited to one person at a time

-Visitors encouraged to wear masks

-Need to ensure social distancing rules adhered to in reception/waiting area 

-No cloakroom service – visitors should look after their own personal items

QR Codes to be provided by City of Lincoln (CofL) Council and visitors made aware.

ALL – asap



ALL – asap


ALL – asap

ALL – asap

ALL – asap


COLP – asap

ADMIN -asap

COLP – asap










CofL Council – asap

3. COVID-19 case (suspected) in our offices

This may result in the individual staff member experiencing medical distress on-site and could increase the risk of onward transmission of the virus among other people with whom the individual has been in proximity


The single external point of contact who will lead the response, including contacting local public health teams, will be: 

CofL Council (Greetwell Place Reception)

The firm’s Response Plan will be:

–  Contact the staff member to ensure that he/she gets a test as soon as possible and self-isolates for 7 days and


–  Get in touch with other members of the firm’s staff and ask them to work from home (reassess next steps once the results of the test are available. If the test is positive, then self- isolate for 14 days)


–  Contact NHS Test and Trace and assist them with the details required.


If there’s more than one case of COVID-19 reported in the firm the local PHE health protection team will be contacted to report the suspected outbreak.

If anyone becomes unwell with a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of sense of smell in the workplace, they will be sent home and advised to follow the relevant stay at home guidance.

Re-emphasise that no-one feeling ill is allowed to come to the office.

Maintaining up-to-date contact information (including emergency contacts) for all staff.

Record keeping on who is in and where in the office on a given day to aid current and potential contact-tracing efforts and processes and keeping this information for 21 days as per the Government’s guidance.

CofL Council – asap




COLP – asap



COLP – asap










4. COVID-19 transmission via communal resources or areas

This may result in increased risk of transmission, including to/from clients and visitors

Marketing material (brochures and literature), newspapers and magazines removed from client reception area(s).

Pens to be available in meeting rooms but any used by clients or other visitors to be offered to them for their retention. Writing pads and other stationary items to be removed from meeting rooms.

[NB: If a member of staff or visitor has tested positive for COVID-19 and was recently on the premises the firm will follow the Response Plan set out in Section 3] 


ALL – asap


5. COVID-19 transmission via mail/packages

This may result in increased risk of transmission by handling of objects


Cleaning protocol is in place for all incoming mail and courier packages.

Firm’s staff advised to clean any mail/post items delivered to their desks (wet wipes to be provided) and then use hand sanitiser.

ALL – asap

6. Mental health problems and poor wellbeing


This may result from increased stress caused by home working and the lockdown, potential bereavements, increased caring responsibilities, elevated incidence of anxiety and depression associated with isolation, concerns about personal and family circumstances and job security




Adjust policies around home working and leave-taking to support working parents.

Regular internal communications from senior leadership emphasising self-care and regular and inclusive communication. The emphasis should also be on honesty and transparency about the difficulties the firm is facing and how to best manage these together.

Regular communication of mental health information and an open-door policy for those who need additional support.

Provide assurance over measures taken to protect employees’ health and safety.







7. Ergonomic injuries

Insufficient chairs, screens, footstools, desks etc. may be available in the office

[NB: It may be difficult to perform workspace risk assessments whilst maintaining physical distancing or if people sit in different locations each time they are in the office]

Where possible, people to be asked to bring their more portable ergonomic equipment (such as keyboards, wrist supports or mice) with them when working in the office.

Ensure sufficient desks, chairs, IT equipment etc available in the office to meet demand even if fewer individuals at work in office.

ALL – asap





8. Vulnerable employees and those at greater risk




Risk that the firm ignores requirements/needs of vulnerable employees or of employees at greater risk if catching COVID-19 (eg:  disabled employees or pregnant workers). Could lead to eg: long-term sick leave, miscarriage, premature birth and/or deformity

Improved awareness and supervision of any vulnerable staff. Use of tailored risk assessments.


9. Non-compliance with government regulations

Risk that a member of the firm ignores firm’s guidance

Communicate the importance of the adherence to the rules. Stricter enforcement of rules against people continuing to attend the office while feeling unwell.


Compensation Obtained For Our Clients

£46,036,247 and counting

(Plus reinstatements, disciplinary charges dropped, upheld grievances, performance management procedures withdrawn etc.)