Defending Disciplinary Allegations

Disciplinary (Fabricated allegations)

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I was delighted to assist my client who was facing a disciplinary investigation meeting at work. Please read on to find out more.

My Client’s Story

My client had worked for his employer for just over one year. He had always enjoyed his job; however, more recently, he has had problems with his Line Manager.

One day, without warning, my client was approached by his Line Manager. At the time, my client was sat at his desk, working at his computer. His Line Manager entered his workspace; stood over him; blocked the doorway and started asking him questions about his work. In response, my client very politely asked his Line Manager if he could talk later. To my client’s complete surprise, his Line Manager then started shouting and swearing at him. My client tried to leave the room. In response, his Line Manager struck him on his arm; blocked his exit and continued to shout and swear.

My client was, understandably, upset by the incident. Once his Line Manager had left the room, my client decided to finish his work and leave the office. As my client was leaving his work premises, he heard his Line Manager talking to all of his colleagues about the incident.

Despite loving his job, my client was so upset by his Line Manager’s behaviour, he returned home and resigned from his employment. He did, however, then agree to meet with HR to discuss the incident and the reasons for his resignation. As a result of such meeting, my client agreed to retract his resignation if HR facilitated mediation with his Line Manager.

Following the above meeting, to my client’s complete surprise, he then received an invitation to a disciplinary investigation meeting. He was told he had attacked his Line Manager. My client was, understandably, horrified by the fabricated allegations and he was unsure what to do.

How I Helped My Client

Given the above, shortly after receiving notification of his disciplinary investigation meeting, my client telephoned me for a free initial enquiry. During our initial telephone conversation, we spent time discussing what had happened, and I was able to reassure him that we could help. I was then delighted that my client decided to book in for a Fixed Fee Consultation with me. For more information about our Fixed Fee Consultation service, please see here –

During our Fixed Fee Consultation, my client was very upset about his situation. This was, of course, completely understandable. As our Fixed Fee Consultation was of unlimited duration, I was able to spend time talking to my client and undertaking a full assessment of his situation. Particularly, during our Fixed Fee Consultation, we discussed the following:

  • The full background of my client’s situation; and
  • My client’s objectives and what he wanted to achieve; and
  • Any potential Employment Tribunal claims he had/may have in the future; and
  • The value of the Employment Tribunal claims; and
  • The relevant time limits; and
  • The next steps to put him in the best possible position; and
  • Funding options available (should he require any further assistance from Lincs Law Employment Solicitors).

During our Fixed Fee Consultation, after undertaking a full assessment of my client’s situation, I spent time formulating an ‘action plan’ of next steps, with a view to helping my client achieve his objectives. Essentially, after reviewing the documentation provided by his employer, I advised my client that this action plan should include requesting further information about his alleged misconduct, preparing detailed representations ahead of his investigation meeting and raising his concerns about his Line Manager.

Following our Fixed Fee Consultation, I confirmed my advice in writing to ensure my client had a full record of our discussions. I was absolutely delighted to help my client prepare for his disciplinary investigation meeting. After the meeting, he was exonerated but felt he could not continue working for his employer. I therefore assisted him to negotiate an exit package.

My Client’s Review

I was exceptionally grateful to receive the following feedback from my client:

“Thank you very much for the comprehensive and clear advice following my consultation. You really provided an excellent service, and I am most grateful …… sincere thanks again for your time and consideration.”

Lincs Law Employment Solicitors Can Help You

If you have been invited to a disciplinary investigation meeting (or disciplinary hearing) at work, we would be delighted to help you. For a free initial conversation, please call us on 01522 440512.

Kate Key – Specialist Employment Solicitor